
Rocket Age RPG for 5e

Created by Why Not Games

ENnie Award Winning Rocket Age role playing game adapted to the popular 5e system

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Rocket Rangers Handbook Finished!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Apr 05, 2020 at 04:54:52 AM

Heads up, Rangers!

Rocket Rangers Handbook, in both Classic and 5e, has been uploaded to the Jovian Clouds and will be beaming to you via RADIO shortly. If you haven't received a download code in the next 72 hours, notify us. Print versions are in premedia processing, and when both titles have cleared we will be starting the process of printing and shipping. However, this is subject to the same whims of pandemic that we are all experiencing right now. You will get the print copy you have backed, but it might take awhile for our printer and shipper to get it to you. If there are any across the board delays such as a shutdown at the printer or the fulfillment center we will let you know.

We know this took longer than we expected to put together. Partially this has been due to failures on our part to properly manage the workflow, and these have been identified and corrected. We heard from our fans that Rocket Age (5e) should have had another round of editing. Thus we went over the Rocket Rangers Handbook many times in the quest of an error free product. This delayed things, but we did need to make another, and another, and another pass through.

An update on Bold Brigands of the Belt. Ed Greenwood reports that he is halfway through the adventure and working as hard as he can, but his recent surgery is slowing him down. We told him not to rush, his health is more important than our production timeline. Once he has the text finished we can begin sending out art orders and move ahead.

In the meantime, we want to let our backers know that the next Weird Races (5e) book will be released soon. This book was finished before Ken started writing Rocket Rangers Handbook, and the editing, art, and layout occurred while he was working on the handbook. We have held off on releasing it while the Rocket Rangers Handbook went through its final stages of work. Once we are sure that the pdf of Rocket Rangers Handbook is out in people's hands we will release Prehistorica in pdf, print to follow depending on the state of affairs.

Looking ahead we have several projects in the works. Will is adapting the Rocket Age Classic adventures to 5e. Krystal is getting caught up on the backlog of Rocket Age Classic material that is not in POD format. Ken is taking a break from Rocket Age to work on some 5e adventures set in Frog God Games' Lost Lands setting, a setting he has contributed to over the past six years. There is more Rocket Age in the works, we have adventures backlogged from the Cubicle 7 days that were never published, and other smaller products that explore parts of the setting that have gone untouched. We have plans for a kickstarter project to bring Mars into 5e and provide a new adventure arc, but those are on hold. We felt this is not the time for a small company to launch a large kickstarter project. Instead we are going to focus on smaller affordable products.

Stay safe, Rangers.

Production Update and Delays
over 4 years ago – Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 01:04:39 AM

Happy holidays to all you Rangers out there!

Layout is under way for the Rocket Ranger's Handbook in both 5e and Classic. We hoped to have it out by the end of the year, but it is looking like we will be lucky to have the pdf version out by Dec. 31.

Bold Brigands of the Belt in both 5e and Classic is also delayed due to Ed Greenwood's recovery from heart surgery.

In the meantime, here are some shots from the playtests of Rocket Ranger's Handbook. Minis provided by Hydra Miniatures unless otherwise noted, and all painted by Ken Spencer.

Half the Ranger team enters the hidden lair of the mad robobrain, Lt. Carter in the lead flanked by Sgt. Hunter and followed by Sister Rosa (Rocket Ranger chaplain). Sgt. Hunter is a mini from the Space Cadets game and Sister Rosa is from Reaper.
Lt. Hunter guns down attacking service robomen with her trusty RAY pistol!
Meanwhile, outside, Captain Cotter (mini from the Space Cadets game) and Lt. Jones go down battling warbots while Sgt. Hunter tries to use her Science skill to shut down them down!

Rocket Ranger's Handbook cover!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 06:13:35 PM

We have been hard at work on the Rocket Ranger's Handbook playtest, and the art team has been drawing away. We expect to have this book out to backers by the end of the year.

Ed Greenwood's adventure, Brigands of the Belt, is delayed due to personal reasons, but should see the light of day late this year or early the next.

In the meantime, pics or it didn't happen, the Rocket Ranger's Handbook cover art:

By ReOnna Smith

Live Playtesting of Rocket Ranger's Handbook!
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Oct 03, 2019 at 06:18:02 PM

We are going to be live chatting the playtesting of the Rocket Ranger's Handbook on the Why Not Games Facebook page. 5e is on Wednesdays at 6ish EDT, and Classic is on Fridays at 6ish EDT. Stop in to check out what we are working on, meet some of the Why Not Games crew, and ask questions.

You will also see pictures of miniatures supplied to us by Hydra Miniatures, and Mars terrain created by Michael Spencer.

Rocket Ranger's Handbook Update #1
about 5 years ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 06:26:10 PM

Work is proceeding on the Rocket Ranger's Handbook, which at this point stands at 16,198 words, the target is 20,000 words. Writing should be finished next week and then it is off to playtesting. Once that begins we will post reports and pictures. Hydra Miniatures has gifted us with some stunning minis for our playtests. While the playtesting is going on we will be sending out the art order so that once any changes are made following playtesting we can get the book to editing, layout, and off to you.

A brief look at some of what is inside the RRH:

Ranger Bases, and important Rangers

Six Mission Profiles, these are short one page adventures to get you started.

New Equipment including E and X series tech. E-tech is ready for field testing and your Rangers can spend their Requisition rolls to acquire them, or even be assigned to field test these experimental devices. X-series tech is not yet ready for field testing, but if the mission calls for it, well, someone will have to fill out the incident reports afterwards but here you go.

For the 5e fans we have Ranger specific backgrounds, the Chaplain (Agent career), Investigator (Scoundrel career), new Scientist class discoveries, and the Gunner (Soldier Specialty). Plus feats such as Rocket Push.

For our Classic fans we have new Ranger Occupational Packages such as: Chaplain, Failed Ranger, Delta Base Misfit, and Ranger Cadet. Plus Rocket Stunt traits.

Until next time

Rocket Rangers, Away!